Complete Backup Generator Systems

fortress power generatorsA reliable electrical generator is important, as is a backup system when the weather gets rough. If you are looking to install or service a generator system in the Arizona White Mountain area, then Kay Electric Inc. is the contractor to call. We provide 24/7 emergency service for all generator systems and can install standby generators for residential and commercial properties. A heavy duty generator will provide primary and backup power for heaters, freezers, pumps, and lights, keeping you comfortable even in the nastiest of storms.

Having a generator is beneficial, and with the assistance of Kay Electric Inc., you can keep your generator functional and in shape for years to come. Generator systems provide many benefits for their owners: appliances will function normally when the power goes out, and if you work from home your computer or other necessary devices will continue to operate, providing you with the means to get important documents typed up. This will also allow you to keep updated on the weather conditions.

At Kay Electric Inc. our priority is safety, which is what a generator helps to provide. A home or business generator will keep your necessary appliances and systems running while you wait out the bad weather. If your generator is faulty, we can provide you with the replacement parts, maintenance, and repairs necessary to get it up and running again.

Service to generator systems from Kay Electric Inc. in Northern Arizona is affordable and efficient. If you find yourself in need of or curious about our service, get in touch with us by email or phone today.

Download a Briggs & Stratton Fortress Standby Generator System Brochure.

backup generators from Kay Electric Inc